Crafting Valentines with Potato Stamps

What you need:
- Potatoes- try and find all different sizes!
- Cookie cutters and a knife to cut around the shape
- Craft paper
- Paint brush
- Art supplies of all kinds! Paints, watercolors, markers, glitter glue etc…

A few tips:
* Leave your cookie cutter in the potato while cutting around it- SO much easier!! * After you are done cutting, stamp your potato without any paint on a piece of paper to help dry it out. We did this a few times until it felt pretty dry and it helped the paint go on and stamp much better. * When stamping with paint we found less is best otherwise it squishes out the side { unless that’s what your going for!} and we found painting it on with a paintbrush worked very best! * Have FUN!!! We had so much fun and each one was so unique!We love how our Valentines came out!