What You'll Need:
- White watercolor paper
- Pencil (optional)
- Cup with water
- A couple paper towel sheets
- The Ink Works Markers
- Chroma Blends Watercolor Paint Set - Neon
- Rainbow Sparkle Glitter Glue
Getting Started On Your Multi Media Art
Start by gather your supplies. First you’ll need a sturdy sheet of white paper, like watercolor paper or cardstock, a pencil (optional), The Ink Works Markers, Chroma Blends Watercolor Paint Set – Neon, Rainbow Sparkle Glitter Glue, a couple paper towel sheets and a cup of water. Now you’re ready to create!Draw Circles
Next, take your sheet of sturdy white paper and start by drawing random sized circles. Be sure to overlap a few of the circles to make it interesting. If you want your circles to be neater, try tracing around different sized round items, like a cup, a bowl, or even a coin. You can use a pencil to lightly draw them first or just go for it with a thick Ink Works marker. Remember to erase any visible pencil lines.Add Color
Now it’s time to paint! Get your Chroma Blends Watercolor Neon Paint, a cup of water, and a couple paper towel sheets. Paint 2 or 3 vibrant colors along the inside edges of each circle. Then blend where the colors meet. Making sure the center is a much lighter shade than the edges. This will give the bubbles the illusion of depth. Make each bubble a different combination of colors. You’ll have an explosion or rainbow-colored bubbles in no time. Remember to clean your brush between colors and dab your brush on the paper towel to clean off excess water and paint as needed.
Make It Sparkle
After your watercolors have dried, it’s time to add some sparkle! Take the Rainbow Sparkle Glitter Glue and start adding shimmery glitter to your rainbow bubbles. Add a little sparkle or glam it to the max with a whole lot of glitter. Just squeeze a bit of the corresponding color of glitter glue to each bubble color and spread it out with a paint brush. Or mix up the colors and add green sparkle on top of pink or blue on top of yellow. It’s up to you! The glitter will dry flat and adds all kinds of shimmery goodness to your artwork. Remember to clean your brush of all the glitter and glue with water and a paper towel. Let your masterpiece dry completely and Voila! Display it, frame it, and proudly proclaim it! You made a beautiful, fun, and colorful mixed media artwork that everyone will love.