Print Your Mermaid or Monster Printable Coloring Game

A good friend of mine recently asked me, “What is your favorite part about being a mommy?” Personally, the best thing about being a mom is watching my little one learn new skills and being a part of that learning process. Helping them explore the world and try new activities is one of the most fun things about our day. My three-year-old and I have come to discover hobbies we both enjoy such as painting, coloring, dancing and yoga. It’s so heartening to connect with someone so young with such important passions of mine.

My preschooler is very intrigued by learning to read lately. I must admit, it’s often difficult to get her to sit down and focus on a book for more than 20 seconds. I’ve found that playing games is an easy way to spark her interest in practicing her reading skills.
Combining two of her favorite activities, coloring and playing games, seemed like a great way to hold her interest long enough to practice reading. So, we made this “Build-a-Mermaid or Monster” game to color and play together.

Early readers will love this homemade coloring game because they actually color in the game pieces. If your little one is not into mermaids try the printable monster version of the game.

Simply download and print out the free printable coloring sheets for kids. Be sure to print a copy for each individual player. Learn how to play by following along the instructions below!

Materials used:
How to play:
Step 1 -
Download and print out one copy of the game for each player. If you have two little ones that want to play different versions, you can play the mermaid game and monster game together. Just be sure each player refers to their own game key when rolling the die, and picks up their own personalized game pieces.

Step 2-
Once each player has colored in their own set of pieces, cut out the mermaid tail, body, head, hair and wand or all the monster parts depending on which game you are playing. We laminated our pieces to extend their use, but that is optional!

Step 3-
Place all game pieces in the center of the table.
Step 4-
Youngest player starts the game. Using one die, each player takes a turn rolling a number. Refer to the printed game key to match the number on the die and determine which piece to pick up from the center. For example, if the player rolls a one they would pick up the mermaid’s body piece. If the player has already picked up that piece in a previous turn, skip and pass the die to the next player.
Step 5-
The first player to collect each of the 6 game pieces to complete their mermaid or monster wins!

This DIY game is exciting for kids because they get to pick out the pieces they colored themselves. The game aspect is also an undercover way to get your little one to practice number recognition and sounding out words.

These free printable coloring pages are also the perfect homemade game idea for your toddler’s next mermaid or monster themed birthday party. Simply print out one for each kid and let them loose with some coloring supplies. They’ll enjoy creating and playing their own birthday party game.
I’m a creator. I’m the happiest when I’m making things. I especially love painting, crafting, and cooking. Between working on art projects with my two little ones, my husband and I run a bed and breakfast out of our family home. Hopefully, we’ll inspire you to create something of your own! Stop by
Made It Mommy for more fun and ideas! Or visit me on
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