Stay Organized

Brainstorm Effectively

Maintain Your Focus
OOLY's Totally Taffy Scented Gel Pens could be a fun way to approach note taking. Try using these bright colors to create headers for different sections of your notes or draw diagrams to help you remember specific concepts. When you are really desperate to stay awake, these pens are also great tools for doodling in the side margins of your paper. Their fun scents are sure to spice up the last class of the day, as well.Make Memorization Easier
Colors can have a way of effectively settling information into your memory. For this reason, vibrantly colored gel pens could be a major asset when it comes to memorizing names, dates, and definitions. You could use Radiant Writers Glitter Gel Pens to make flashcards, for example. Try dedicating one of the eight colors in this set to each category of information. You could write down people's names in green, events in blue, and places in yellow. Similarly, gel pens could help you improve your note taking strategies. Writing or underlining key bits of information in color may make it easier to find these facts later on and to commit them to memory.Edit Your Work